A downloadable game

A game using Timex Hi-color mode for the TC2048, TS2068, and ZX Spectrum Next computers.

To play

Try to shoot all the targets in each wave as quickly as possible and with as few shots as possible.

Moving to the right increase the game's speed. (You cannot move past half way.)

You will get a new life every third level up to a maximum of 4.  You will get 1000 added to your score instead if you already have maximum lives.

There are 10 waves featuring 5 unique targets. Each wave contains 20 targets.

At the end of each wave your score is shown  compared to your best score on the same wave during the current game.

On the game over screen your scores for all the waves you completed during the current game are compared to the highest scores.

Magenta is better than the previous best score.

Green is equal to the previous best score.

Yellow is worse than the previous best score.


Written in C and assembly using z88dk.

Tested with

  • Timex Computer 2048
  • Timex Computer 2048 with Melodik compatible AY extension
  • Timex Sinclair 2068
    • Limited to 7 colors to avoid bright black.
    • Not currently compatible with TS-Pico.
  • ZX Spectrum Next (KS2)
  • Emulators

Change log

  • V1.0.00
    • Initial version


Hi-Color Hero ZX Spectrum Next V1.0.00 32 kB
Hi-Color Hero TS2068 V1.0.00 25 kB
Hi-Color Hero TC2048 V1.0.00 25 kB
Hi-Color Hero TC2048 with AY Sound V1.0.00 25 kB

Install instructions

To use with a real computer

ZX Spectrum Next

  • Add the NEX file to your SD card and load from the file browser.
  • You can also run the TC2048 versions on the Next but you will have to manually configure them the first time you load then as:
    • Advanced mode:
      • AY sound in 48K mode On
      • Timex graphics On
    • 48K mode


  • Load TAP file from tape emulator.


  • Load TAP file from DIVMMC or tape emulator.

To use with an emulator

(Adjust program paths as necessary)

These commands assume you have a joystick attached. If you want to use the keyboard instead change --joystick-1-output to --joystick-keyboard-output. You can then change the keys via the Options | Joysticks | keyboard menu.

ZX Spectrum Next

cspect.exe  -zxnext -nextrom hihe_V1_0_00.nex


fuse.exe  --joystick-1-output=5 -mts2068 hihe_TS_V1_0_00.tap


fuse.exe" --joystick-1-output=2 -m2048 hihe_TC_V1_0_00.tap

TC2048 with AY sound

fuse.exe" --joystick-1-output=2 --melodik -m2048 hihe_TC_AY_V1_0_00.tap


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Cool game. Thanks a lot!   Is there a way to contact you? I have some Timex related questions :-) Cheers, Sebastian

Thanks, you can message me on Facebook. I've added a link to my profile.

Hi Pete, i am  not on FB, but i know a guy ;-)
Will be in contact soon  :-)

Cheers, Sebastian

Hi Pete, is there any other way to  get in contact.  I asked  Rich (famous beeper artist in the speccy scene)to meet  you on FB. But he had no  luck.  Maybe i can show you the project i am working on and you can decide if it would be fun to join :-) I  am doing a TC2048 version of Beethoven's Revenge, using Jonathan's MPAGD. But i need definitely help to create a working version with extra features (AY music etc.) for the TS2068. You are our last hope, Obi Wan ;-)

Deleted 20 days ago

Great, just typing the mail for you :-)

Nice new game. I also added it to my new "Gameplay of New ZX Spectrum games from June 2024" video.

I'm trying to play this in Cspect, but it's loading the game, then no button will react to 'press fire to play'. What are the keys, please?

(1 edit)

Sorry, the game  requires a joystick. Fuse has an option to set the keyboard up as the joystick. The "TC2048 with AY sound" version is almost exactly the same as the Next version. The only difference is the code that initializes the Timex Hi-color mode and sets the CPU speed.

Nice game!

Very cool game, thanks for sharing.