A downloadable game

A game for the Aquarius+ computer based on the ZX Spectrum game Arcadia.

This game can only be played on a real Aquarius+ or in the Aquarius+ Emulator.

To play

Use left and right to select difficulty.

Press FIRE to begin. 

Shoot or avoid enemies!

Twelve unique waves of enemies.

New wave when the timer reaches zero.

New life every four waves. 

Score line

TM = Timer                             SC = Score

LV = Level                                HI = High score


Easy - The level time is reduced to 50 seconds. (This can actual makes a couple of levels harder!)

Regular - The level time is set to 75 seconds.

Hard - The level time is set to 99 seconds and your ship will occasional fire automatically.


Written in C using the Aquarius+ SDK.

Tested with

  • Aquarius+  
    • Aquarius+ System V0.24a
  • Aquarius+ Emulator 

    • Aquarius+ System V0.20

Change log


  • Added difficulty selection.


  • Initial version.


aqcadia_1_1.zip 12 kB

Install instructions

To install 

Unzip the download file and copy aqcadia.aqx and aqcadia.bin to your SD card.

To run

Reset your Aquarius+ and enter run"aqcadia.aqx

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